Thursday, November 21, 2013

Foreward Part 2 -- A Self Help Book Like No Other !

By Chuck Marshall

Most books on attaining wealth emphasize the need to be  “positive” all the time.    I know many people who are very  “positive”  but they are still, sadly,  poor.      Other books  speak convincingly that you just need to change your way of “thinking” about money and that then money will start to come to you.  You have to stop wanting it so much and then it will appear in your life.  That’s like telling a thirsty man to stop thinking about water.   How do I turn off a want, and then expect to get what I want?  Once I get it, isn’t it safe to say I would….no longer want it?     In this book, I will reveal proven ideas that will bring you lots of money and you can want that money to your heart’s content.  
     How does all this happen?  What is the secret of this book and the secret of most all wealthy people?  How does one get rich in this modern world?    What is the most effective method for gathering dollars?    The secret is….. don’t do squat.  That’s right, don’t do anything.   People who work “really hard” are suckers and will never reach the millions of dollars that they aspire to.  It will always be elusive.   This book will teach you full-proof strategies for getting truly wealthy by not really doing anything.  I will teach you using my patented GRNDS method (Get Rich Not Doing Squat) with 7 alternatives for you and your family.  Applying any of these alternatives while focusing on the fundamentals of GRNDS will bring you the wealth you so badly desire.  All that is required is a true desire, a true need, a true greed for money and an equally strong determination to not actually have to think hard, or work hard.  “Get ‘er done” optimism has no place in this book, and quite honestly it gives me a headache when anyone launches into one of their positive thinking sermons.    

 There are numerous GRNDS (Get Rich Not Doing Squat)  approaches.  Some require you to loosen your morals  (just a little!)     Some only require a single great idea!  One position does require you work to get the job  but once you actually get the job……you don’t do anything.     Another position actually requires that you do a bad job and then get fired to truly become wealthy.  These are but a few of the mind boggling approaches to wealth in our beloved  21st century.  In a thousand years, when man is evolved a little more these approaches will be seen as primitive, illogical, ridiculous and absurd…. but in the meantime, let’s all get rich with the GRNDS approach !  These principles work today, in our money grubbing Mercedes infested modern world !

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Foreward Part 1 -- Introduction - Why This Book ?

How to Get Rich Without Doing Squat   
By Chuck Marshall


Since I was very young there has always been one singular mission that I knew deep in my heart was what I have to do, what I was meant to do, and what I was meant to be and become because it bubbles up from my soul as a God given ambition;  To be rich. 

There are many ways to get rich today in America.  You can invest wisely, or play a professional sport, become an actor,  climb the corporate ladder,  you can cheat and/or steal your way to lots of money.  The options are limitless.  The problem is that many of these strategies require a lot of talent (which you probably don’t have),  lots of time (which none of us have),  lots of butt kissing (which you may not have the stomach for)  or lots of hell-fire damnation once death comes upon us (if you believe in that sort of thing- but why risk it?).   Another important connection between all of these is that they require a lot of work,  and in this book you have in your hands that is forbidden. 

 I wrote this book to inspire the general population that all the money you could want is there for you, and it is not as elusive as you’ve been lead to believe.  Money is everywhere for the taking.  All you have to do is open your  eyes !   I won’t just show you where it is, I’m going to teach you how to get it…… without doing squat.

 You don’t have sell timeshare, or go to law school or medical school.  You don’t have to irritate your friends with network marketing.    No more late night struggles to “get ahead” of your competition.      All your life you’ve been told that it takes a lot of hard work to get rich, that you must scratch and claw you’re your way to wealth.  Nothing could be further from the truth!  I’m here to teach you with my patented “GRNDS (Get Rich Not Doing Squat) principles” the best approaches to getting more money than you dreamed possible without really doing anything.