Sunday, September 19, 2021

How to get rich without doing squat : Chapter 3 "The Rich, a brief history"

By Chuck Marshall 

The meek shall inherit the earth, but not the mineral rights. — J.P. Getty

What you’ll learn

Caveman snobs

1)     The Bible and dough

2)     Walk like an Egyptian

3)     Louis loses his head

4)     American Royalty


I felt since I’ve put so much emphasis on “getting rich”, that I should offer some information on rich people that might help us all understand the background of the world we are about to enter.    

The first reference to being rich in history seems to revert  back to the cave man days when the primitive man who had the most bear furs was eyed and admired by all the “lesser” cave men.  In those prehistoric times one can imagine that wealth was just as elusive for the regular cavemen since only a few seemed to get the bulk of the good stuff.  There is evidence that these “bear fur” rich men were sometimes ridiculed and mocked behind their back due to envy at their prodigious collection of bear furs.  Other men would paint on walls pictures of these pre-historic “stiffs” with the bear furs pilled around them and their cave man noses pointed decidedly upward.  Caveman snobs !  I’m sure it wasn’t just bear furs of course, but also the best wood for burning, the most meaty spare ribs and the most chesty cave dames.    Then as is true now, the few dominated and tended to hide their secrets to better ribs.

Later in history, we see the Egyptian hieroglyphics celebrating the royalty of Egypt with their fanciful jewelry, feline companions and the massive quantities of gold found in their tombs which indicated their great wealth would follow them in to infinity.  (I wonder what one would buy in heaven with all that gold?  Harps?  Wings?  Cat  sweaters ?)  If things got at all rough in the day to day lives back then, a slave would be sacrificed to the Gods and then, apparently, things got better (except for said slave, of course).  One would imagine the slaves preferred bad luck would continue, in the hopes that the King or Queen might decide the sacrifice just wasn’t working and that maybe, just maybe, they should be doing something nice like buying them all new sandals or something.

In the Bible rich people are referred to frequently but I don’t think that God seems to like them too much (nobody’s perfect !) ‘nor does he care much for money.  They always seem to be losing their money, or they get all their money thrown on the ground by Jesus during a temper tantrum in a Temple.  (I mean no blasphemy !).  Gold gets a bad rap too.  When the newly released Jewish slaves are fleeing Egypt they make a gold Calf.  The gold calf makes Moses so mad he throws down the tablet holding the ten commandments that God had just dictated to him…..I mean THE God, the one and only, almighty creator, etc…...  I guess it landed on the 11th Commandment, “thou shalt not pitch a fit over hot, bothered, tired, worn out and dusty Jewish ex- slaves.”  I never really quite got that, it’s just a gold calf…...what’s all the hubbub? Anyway, God doesn’t do anything to Moses because apparently the gold calf “stunt” ticked him off bad too.  OK, no gold calves….got it. 

Point of Interest- Have you ever thought about the fact that Moses was the first and only person to break  ALL the commandments at the same time?     

The British Empire ruled the world and with that power came mucho money !  Who profited in England for all this money?   Royalty of course !  If you were born into a royal family during the height of the British Empire then you lived like a King (ha, ha).  The royals invented our modern views of the very wealthy with their castles, palaces, chandeliers, gold crusted rooms, and gobs and gobs of gaudy diamonds, emeralds, and other precious stones.  Nobody in history has known better how to flaunt it than the British royals….. with the exception of the French royals.  (we’ll get to them in a minute).  Today the royal life still rewards some Brits with serious jewelry, crowns, fox hunting, parades, and unlimited supplies of guards with large furry hats.

Great Quote:  "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown". - (Act III, Scene I).  King Henry IV, Part 2

  Moving on to the French Revolution.  The rich people of Paris had a rough time of it around 1789 when many of them “lost their heads” quite literally.  Their heads were removed from their body by the infamous “guillotine”.   This was not a good time to be rich, because the peasants didn’t really care what your politics were.  If you were rich, then you were part of the problem,   and the only solution as far as they were concerned was to drop your head into a wicker basket.  Can you imagine being the one to empty the basket after a busy day?   Did they have specific place they put the heads?  I wonder if they bothered to match the heads to the bodies before they drove out to the country to bury the poor, spoiled, dead, headless aristocrats?  Did they have fun by putting the kind’s head on a woman’s body?  Did they put sarcastic signs around them?  “Here lies King Louis, he was our “head of state” but now he’s a stateless head”.   OR “Here lies Marie Antoinette, she never could get her head straight,  so we removed it entirely.” 

Marie Antoinette famously told the peasants , upon hearing of their hunger for bread that they would all be allowed to eat cake….”let them eat cake”.

Warning:   Such sarcasm coming from rich people is destined to bring ruin.  Never openly admit you do not care what happens to the poor !   It only pisses them off and brings bad karma.  You are always to only speak of your concern and deep regret at their condition.  Never, ever feign ambivalence !  Of course that doesn’t mean you have to actually DO something to help anyone, just “SPEAK” of the calamity.  “Talk is cheap”,  so keep it cheap. 

In the late 1800’s (the late 19th century for those of you “less informed”) we had the gilded age.  This was a marvelous time when rich people of North America lived in massive homes and flaunted their money so recklessly it would make the King of Saudi Arabia blush.  They lived big and when they ate dinner there were over 20 pieces of eating utensils.  Carnegie, Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, JP Morgan, Lehman, Macy, Kellog, Post, Oscar Meyer, Ford, JPaul Getty, These were the titans of industry and we should all look back with great admiration for them and their massive quantities of money.  We should not admire their personal life too much, however, because they all worked way too hard to qualify for the GRNDS “medal of honor”.  We tip our hats to them, nevertheless for their garish display of wealth and avarice.  Good Squat !

Today in America, rich people are adored and fawned over like royalty but not as much with the current recession it has become “out of style” to flaunt it too much.  As recently as 2007, you could still ogle the lifestyles of the rich and famous and get a wonderful slathering of superficial, unrestrained materialism.  Today, things are decidedly “low-key”.  The wealthy are “making due” with 12,000 square foot homes and only 5 or 6 luxury cars.  There is hope though, and  I have read recently that the rich are starting to come out of their hiding and are demonstrating their interest in “jump starting” our economy with outlandish purchases of yachts, etc…  They are forced to, of course, for the good of the Republic.  Whatever it takes, right ?  Many of the CEO’s and executives of our nation’s banking institutions have suffered greatly for their ruin of the nation’s financial system and they are now coming out willing to spend portions of their golden parachutes.  Bless their sweet hearts.  We are fortunate to have such generous “captains of industry” helping all of us out. 

Today, many rich people are famous only because they are rich.    Rich people are like rock stars.  They ride around in limousines and hang out with nothing but pretty people.  Rich people are allowed much more leeway.  Rich people can get mixed up with drugs and partying and we all  are expected to “understand” the complexity of their lives. (Of course, the life of a ghetto dweller on drugs is probably much more complex,  but let’s not spoil the scene with matters of fact!). 

Heads up all of you GRNDS students !  Once you’ve achieved your riches, the public will love you and will allow you to get away with murder (sometimes literally !).  You have much to look forward to !  (But don’t murder anyone, even if some high priced, slithering lawyer could get you off-the-hook, murder is just wrong.  In fact I’ll make it GRNDS principle #11- “Don’t Murder Anyone” J

Point of Interest- Rich Folk:   In my life, I’ve had many encounters with rich people.  I sold to them when I was a student at UF in Gainesville.  I bused their tables when I worked in fine dining at WDW.  I delivered pizzas to them as a bachelor needing extra cash living in Ft. Lauderdale.  My impression of rich people is that they’re just like you and me, except that they have a lot of money, a large house, they drive a luxury car, they travel whenever and wherever they want, they wear expensive clothes, and ……oh, who am I kidding- they’re nothing like you and me.  But we’re going to change that !  We will become them.

So anyway, there are a lot of other reasons for being rich so I compiled a top ten list to help you get psyched up for your path to wealth.  Your welcome!

Top 10 Reasons for Getting Rich

1)     The only alternative is staying poor. 

2)     When traveling on planes in first class you get a hot wet towel for your face.

3)     You can buy an expensive Italian sports car and not worry that “they’re not very dependable”

4)     When price is meant to weed out the “riff-raff”, it’s not you !

5)     No more black- out dates on your annual theme park passes.

6)     You get to scan cruise lines “in season” schedule !

7)     Design on a dime?  Design on $100,000 !

8)     I think I WILL tip the bathroom attendant.

9)     Week- long vacations without ANY sales presentations.

10)  The “Coupon Clipper” goes straight to the trash.   

Great Quote:  I have never been in a situation where having money made it worse.

 — Clinton Jones

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Chapter 2 The Meaning of “Squat”

By Chuck Marshall 

Chapter 2:  The Meaning of "Squat"

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet."  

William Shakespeare “Romeo and Juliet”

What You’ll Learn:  The meaning of squat and how important it is to your destiny as a rich person. 
As it is used here, the word squat is referring to the slang “diddly squat”.  Which as defined in as;  a minimum amount or degree; the least bit (usually used in the negative): This coin collection isn't worth doodly-squat in today's market.  Also, “Diddly” . 
Basically, in this case I mean “a very small amount of effort”.  Another example;  “I watched TV all day long;  I didn’t do squat”.  The very minimum of activity.  So it’s not the absence of action, it’s simply a modicum of action.  Barely moving.  Consider the US Congress on a typical day or a litigation attorney whose been asked to do a presentation on scruples.   A city commissioner the month after elections.  A convenience store employee that’s been told to “hurry”.   My kids when I ask him to clean up their room, etc.., etc…. You get the idea.

Point of Interest:  Often road construction workers can be seen “not doing squat”.  Their presentation of “not even squat” is that they lean against a shovel while they watch the “get ‘er done” suckers struggle with the manhole cover, or sewer water, or whatever.  But of course, none of them is going to get rich so I only bring this up as an example or point of interest. 
There are some talented people that are expert at appearing to do squat when they really don’t do diddly squat.  I have worked with such people as I’m sure many of you have as well.  I marvel at the skill of these people!  The really good ones act and speak as if they’re doing much more than diddly squat, but truly they don’t do squat.  Usually the only one that they fool is the only one they need to fool, the boss !  I worked with one such person who was consulted on a regular basis by the boss who was convinced not only that this guy did  “much more than squat”,  but he also convinced him that he knew “much more than squat” when actually neither was the case.  This guy neither did squat ‘nor did he know squat but (and this is a big but), he had the boss convinced the very opposite.  What a talent ! 
There are some people who are painfully bad at not doing diddly squat.  These people don’t do anything but everyone around them knows it.  Always busily planning,  plotting and talking (lots of talking) and considering, but never actually accomplishing….... squat.  This is not to be admired !  Not only are they not getting rich but they’re also not getting away with their laziness.  The only person they fool is themselves.  Bad Squat !

     Warning !  Squat as an exercise.  As it turns out, in weight lifting or bodybuilding there is an exercise called “the squat”.  Believe me it is as bad as it sounds when relating it to the self- torture that these musclemen put their poor bodies through.  In this exercise, the exerciser (or would it be the excercisee?) hoists a great amount of weight (sometimes over 500 lbs !) on to their shoulders from a rack (not unlike the rack used in torture chambers back in the middle ages) and then they proceed to (on purpose, now) lower their bodies down half-way to the floor in to a squat, and then they stop in mid-air and push their bodies (with the weight still on their back) and the exerciser is back to standing.  Then, they proceed to do this repeatedly, as if once wasn’t enough !  The consequence is they “pump” their thighs up as the muscle is understandably upset and throbbing after the torture, er  “exercise”.   Anyway, this is a miserable and heinous exercise that should be avoided at all costs !  It is the antithesis of the GRNDS philosophy in which much is attained with little to no effort. 

     Point of Interest:  Arnold Schwarzenegger, the famous  ex-governor of California and Hollywood blockbuster actor got his start with bodybuilding and built voluminous thighs measuring 28” around (as big as many people’s waists) by doing this exercise.   He won the Mr. Olympia contest (the superbowl of bodyduilding) 5 times !  Arnold went on to star as “Hercules in New York”,  a God-awful film with really bad dubbing that is a hoot to watch.  Laugh as much as you want because then he was featured in “Pumping Iron”,  a documentary about bodybuilding which brought him recognition and  a taste of Fame.   His breakthrough role was as “Conan” in  “Conan the Barbarian” -still not a very good film but it was popular and gained him real fame.  If you look at GRNDS principle #1,  you know what that means.   The rest is history, and now  ex-Governor Arnold owns half of Southern California.    You could honestly say that Arnold got rich DOING squat.

Summary for Chapter 2: 
1.       Squat as a verb is a modicum of action
2.      Squat as a noun is non-existent accomplishment.
3.      Squat as an exercise is hell.
4.      Diddly squat, doodly squat, and squat by itself are all basically the same thing. 

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Chapter 1 - The Other Guys: Other Get Rich Strategies and Why They Don't Work !

By Chuck Marshall

Chapter 1

The Other Guys:  Other Get Rich Strategies and Why They Don’t Work

“When I was young, I use to think that money was the most important thing in life.  Now  that  I’m older, I know that it is”   Oscar Wilde
What You’ll Learn:
  1. The other guy’s approach to getting rich and why they never work.   
  2. The most embarrassing way to “attempt” to get rich.
  3.  Long term strategies don’t motivate.
  4. Your thoughts are just that…… your thoughts.
     When you consider any of the “Get Rich” publications on the market, I’m afraid you’re going to find them to be very disappointing.  Many of you may have already tried to work with some of these “strategies”, and you now know the truth.  Each of them is fraught with some serious flaws and gaps in logic.  These are all very well intentioned attempts to assist the greedy people of the world that they can get rich relatively easily.  But they don’t work !  Here’s Why:
  1.  Investments:  “ Save all your money and put in safe securities such as bonds and certificates of deposits or even real estate.  “Remain patient” (they’re losing me already  J).  Live like a pauper for 35-40 years.  Then, as long as the stock market cooperates with you and your bank is still around in 2045, you’ll have plenty of money to retire on.”   Well, who cares if they’re rich if they’re also an old bag ?!  Rich old people spend all their time and money on Doctors,  Oatmeal,  Geritol,  Buicks and  depressing “over 50” condominiums.  They lose their faculties, wear diapers,  obsess over yappy dogs and make headlines in the newspaper about  how far they’ve fallen.  All the while their ingrate children battle over their millions and/or write books over what horrible parents they were !   No sir, investing for old age might work, but the reward is too long in coming and too depressing to get us motivated.
Great Quote:  “To make a million, start with $900,000.” — Morton Shulman
  1.  Get Rich Through Network Marketing.  So you go to a religious revival but you’re not praising Jesus Christ,  you’re praising the latest “millionaire” who struck it rich by annoying every human being he/she has ever met.   The company has the secret formula for getting rich in their  “bottle of Dr. Good” as it were.  Often you’re praising the ego- maniac that started the whole company with odd,  over-the top applause, praise and adulation.   Usually he’s oddly refrained and mysterious,  sort of off in the shadows.  Creepy.   Each “network marketer”  has promised everyone they know a business of their own that can be run “in their spare time” (if their spare time runs into the 50-60 hour per week bracket, that is).   What they don’t tell you in their breathless hopping up and down is that only 1/10 of 1% of all people who get into network marketing actually end up making a living from it.  One tenth of one percent !  Ask  yourself this;  If you had a new shampoo line that you wanted to market and you wanted to effectively promote it to the North American market,  would you hire 20 sales reps for $65,000 per year on average, OR would you hire 200,000 sales reps for $5 per year?  Those 200,000 sales  reps are the poor souls that got suckered into network marketing.  Of course they want you in their program !  You’re their 200,001st sales rep out there selling their mediocre shampoo!  There are enough large customers to support 20 sales reps.  Do you think there are enough customers to support 200,000 sales reps?  Of course not !  Network marketing is the most embarrassing and least likely way to become wealthy.    
Warning:   Whatever you do, don’t ever refer to the network business as a “pyramid” or as a “scheme”.  If you do the person working to get you into the…er, “business opportunity”  will become contorted and curl up their lips and scream at you “it’s not a pyramid scheme!” so forcefully you’ll be inclined to crawl under the nearest metal  fold- out chair.   
  1. Think and grow rich through your thoughts and the power of attraction (or some sort of variation of these concepts).  This also ties heavily into the concept of visualization and self-actualization.  Your thoughts attract to you what you experience in life, they explain.  Consequently, all your experiences are brought on by your subconscious mind because you directed it to bring those things about.  So, let’s take a “for example”.    Someone has a crazed lunatic break into their house, rob them of all their money, tie them up in a chair,  and stuff  a dirty sock in their mouth.  Somewhere in their past, this person had a thought that he/she would really be interested in tasting a dirty sock.  “I would enjoy eating or sucking on a dirty sock for a couple of hours “  they must have said to themselves.   “I just need that to happen for me to be truly actualized.”  What other explanation could there be?   
Great Quote:  “There is only one class of people that thinks about money more than the rich, and that is the poor.  In fact, the poor can think of nothing else.   Oscar Wilde ….And we see where that gets them.  While I love the idea of “thinking” your way to riches, you’re more likely to “think” your way into abject poverty. 
  1. Trade your way to riches.  Trading currency, stocks, bonds,  derivatives, options, puts, etc….  This is the classic approach to getting rich in that you simply take what you have and get more for it than it’s worth and continue until you’ve reached a pinnacle of wealth.  There is one problem with this.  YOU NEED MONEY TO START WITH !  How am I supposed to get rich trading stocks when I have no money to begin with?  The reason anyone reads a “get rich” book is to make money because they don’t have money right now.  Don’t tell me you can do it starting with nothing when nothing can be further from the truth.  What do you think I’m going to hear if I call a stock broker  and tell him to “come on over so we can discuss what to do with my $250 I have left over from this month’s paycheck”?    The real world wants to see the money, the hard cash, the moola, the dough, the Benjies….  not  “promises” and/or “possibilities” of money.
  Cliché Alert :  It takes money to make money. 

  1. Real Estate.  These guys will advise you go and buy real estate and “you don’t need any money”.  These “No Money Down” strategies usually involve convincing someone who’s selling their house to take on the role of the mortgage holder.  That is, they are the bank and you are the borrower.  How many thousands of people would you have to go through before you found someone whacky enough to do that?   Flipping houses requires lots of money to start with OR it has unrealistic expectations of the participant.    This requires  financial and sales abilities that the regular “Joe” just does not have.   How to get these skills ?  You got it, a lot of work !  One other little problem has appeared over the last couple of years,  and that is “the impossible” happened back in 2008 when the real estate bubble burst and real estate really DID lose substantial value.  The average American home had lost 1/3 of their value at one point.  Can’t make money off something that’s dropping in value as I understand the concept.    Also, unless you have pristine credit don’t expect any bank to help you out on any house flipping opportunities.   Those days are long gone.     
Great Quote:  “A bank is a place that will lend you money if you prove that you don’t need it”.  Bob Hope.   
  1.   “Find your passion and create  product or service out of that passion.  Then go sell it to the world. “  That sounds great,  but  my passion is sleeping in late and reading the paper all day?  Is someone going to come pay me for doing that?  If I do come up with a product or service, I have to go “sell” it to the world?  Sell?  Selling gives me a stomach ache.   I want to go to the Bahamas and drink cocktails on the beach all day.  I want to take luxury cruises to Europe.  Read novels on train tours.  Go fly fishing in a mountain stream.  I want to go skiing in Aspen every winter with the pretty people.   These things are my passion.  I don’ want to sell anything ! 


1)  Other get rich schemes often require large sums of money to begin with, which means they are a waste of paper.  Why would you buy a get rich book if you’re already rich?
2) Going  to nutty “conferences” where everybody jumps up and down over speakers praising their newfound wealth from the new  “perfect” vitamin line they’re representing is as much a waste of time as you suspect.
3) The other guys talk about  being “patient”,  as in “wait 40 years towards the end of your physical life”.  Forty years is 39 years too many.
4)  They have unrealistic expectations of the reader to do things that require super human financing capabilities. 
5)  They tell you to find your passion and pursue that passion.  Make a product or service out of that passion, and then go “sell it” to the world.   You lost me on the “sell it” part, folks !
6)  Real Estate investments,  aka  “flipping” is an excellent  approach to getting rich if you have plenty of knowledge, plenty of money and are willing to risk that money AND- most offensively-  you’re willing to work hard !  Bad Squat !   Then, yes it’s an excellent investment.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Foreward Part 4: The Principles of GRNDS (Get Rich Not Doing Squat)

By Chuck Marshall


As in any program for bettering yourself, I feel that there should be a set of principles to follow as you approach your riches. Consider this the Constitution for working the GRNDS program.  This is your framework, your foundation, your “cheat sheet” for getting rich easily and quickly.  The rest of the book is merely elaboration on these very important principles. 

Principles of GRNDS

1)       Fame = Money;  Money = Fame.  It matters not how you get there, just get there !
2)      *All effort that could be described as diligent, hard, tenacious, “roll up your sleeves” willful, determined, or “driven” or anything similar to these words and actions or of the essence of these words and/or actions is expressly forbidden. 
3)      Meanness is not tolerated because meanness usually requires effort. 
4)      Litigation attorneys are society’s stupidity enablers and must be utilized at every opportunity because modern society abounds with stupidity.   
5)      It is your right to be rich at all costs and God doesn’t mind.  The Big Guy wants it too.  Why else would it say to trust Him on all the money in America? 
6)      No lying (exaggeration, yes, lying no).  No stealing (if you have to think about it to label it stealing…it’s not stealing)  No cheating (cheating is as cheating does).  GRNDS is a philosophy of absolute sloth and laziness so let’s not stack the odds against us by breaking the ten commandments too!   
7)      The word “work” should only be used in terms of walking in short spurts to get to a position where no work is required as in a politician.  For example:  A politician works to become a congressman but when he becomes a congressman most work will cease. 
8)      Research of anything whether statistics, or facts or any sort of detail is discouraged.  Research is tedious and boring.  Always “assume” you’re right and just let the chips fall where they may.
9)      Positive thinking or self -talk while not prohibited is discouraged.  GRNDS is based on you being perfectly capable of getting rich even with your personal flaws.  You and your  neurotic,  negative,  self-doubting pathetic self are perfectly capable of getting rich.  A new and improved you is simply not necessary.  Relax. J
10)  Just because some people consider a certain activity “work”, does not qualify it as work.  Work is ditch digging,  adding numbers, standing on your feet all day, looking at a computers all night, answering calls from irate customers, managing a group of ingrates, or trying to get 5 levels up in a network marketing program.  These things are work.  Nobody enjoys them, I guarantee you. 

*This is the “Golden Rule” of GRNDS, keep it close to your heart.

These are the principles of GRNDS that are so important to your success.  Please commit them to memory and always keep them just one stretch away from your fingertips.  Once you have committed them to your memory the rest should come very easily.  It will all fall in place as easily as  lobbyist falls into bed with a congressman.  

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Forward Part 3 - What is Expected of the Reader !

By Chuck Marshall

About you !

This program will teach you many valuable facts about getting rich that the rich people have always known.    Many of my principles have been used since the beginning of history.  The problem is they’re almost too obvious.  If I just told you the surface information you wouldn’t believe me !  It’s like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz.   Dorothy knew how to get home to her Aunt Em, but she really needed to experience the frustration of not being able to get home before she understood how easy it could be.  Just tap your shoes together and tell yourself “There’s nothing like being rich, there’s nothing like being rich, there’s nothing like being rich”.  Soon, you’ll awaken on your beach chair in the Bahamas and all of this poor life you are leading will seem like a bad dream !   

First things first.  There are some things I am assuming about you,  friends.  

You like money….. a lot.

You  are essentially lazy.

You are essentially greedy.

You have scruples but only as long as they don’t interfere with any potential source of income.
You have a taste for the good things in life;  Italian Clothes, Waterfront Property, Yachts, Luxury Cruises,  Jimmy Choo shoes, Tiffany jewelry, Rolls Royces, Grey Poupon mustard,  and Dyson Vacuums.    

You are an epicurean, superficial, money hungry toad  and you’re ok with that about yourself.  You  accept yourself as you are, not as you should be. 

Deep down, you consider yourself to have a  big heart but you never let that get in the way of any physical or materialistic pleasures.

You have no patience.  You want to get rich,  and you want to get rich now.  Not in a few years.  Not  after investing “wisely” for 30 years.  Not  after studying at a University for 6 years.   Not after building a company for 20 years.   You want it now.  

You don’t want to climb up any ladders by working 90 hour weeks as a “manager” or “executive” for some corporation that has no problem working you to the bone.   You don’t want to become a  work-a-holic who lives at the office.  Never the person  who struggles to prove his or her worth by dedicating  every breath to the success of a mindless, monolithic, faceless corporation that would get rid of you if it meant a savings of $1 on their  bottom line. 

 You have probably already read some “get rich quick” books or bought into some “get rich” schemes   and it turned out that you do have to work VERY hard and you have to go “sell” people things .  Their get rich scheme is just to go out and start your own business and convince the world to buy your product.  Well,  you don’t need a book to tell you that!  Where are the easy answers ?    

If you nodded yes to most of this top ten list then welcome aboard.  You are in for the time of your life and you should rest easy that the end of your frustration is near !  Please know that the simplicity is not an illusion, it really is as easy as it looks.  

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Foreward Part 2 -- A Self Help Book Like No Other !

By Chuck Marshall

Most books on attaining wealth emphasize the need to be  “positive” all the time.    I know many people who are very  “positive”  but they are still, sadly,  poor.      Other books  speak convincingly that you just need to change your way of “thinking” about money and that then money will start to come to you.  You have to stop wanting it so much and then it will appear in your life.  That’s like telling a thirsty man to stop thinking about water.   How do I turn off a want, and then expect to get what I want?  Once I get it, isn’t it safe to say I would….no longer want it?     In this book, I will reveal proven ideas that will bring you lots of money and you can want that money to your heart’s content.  
     How does all this happen?  What is the secret of this book and the secret of most all wealthy people?  How does one get rich in this modern world?    What is the most effective method for gathering dollars?    The secret is….. don’t do squat.  That’s right, don’t do anything.   People who work “really hard” are suckers and will never reach the millions of dollars that they aspire to.  It will always be elusive.   This book will teach you full-proof strategies for getting truly wealthy by not really doing anything.  I will teach you using my patented GRNDS method (Get Rich Not Doing Squat) with 7 alternatives for you and your family.  Applying any of these alternatives while focusing on the fundamentals of GRNDS will bring you the wealth you so badly desire.  All that is required is a true desire, a true need, a true greed for money and an equally strong determination to not actually have to think hard, or work hard.  “Get ‘er done” optimism has no place in this book, and quite honestly it gives me a headache when anyone launches into one of their positive thinking sermons.    

 There are numerous GRNDS (Get Rich Not Doing Squat)  approaches.  Some require you to loosen your morals  (just a little!)     Some only require a single great idea!  One position does require you work to get the job  but once you actually get the job……you don’t do anything.     Another position actually requires that you do a bad job and then get fired to truly become wealthy.  These are but a few of the mind boggling approaches to wealth in our beloved  21st century.  In a thousand years, when man is evolved a little more these approaches will be seen as primitive, illogical, ridiculous and absurd…. but in the meantime, let’s all get rich with the GRNDS approach !  These principles work today, in our money grubbing Mercedes infested modern world !

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Foreward Part 1 -- Introduction - Why This Book ?

How to Get Rich Without Doing Squat   
By Chuck Marshall


Since I was very young there has always been one singular mission that I knew deep in my heart was what I have to do, what I was meant to do, and what I was meant to be and become because it bubbles up from my soul as a God given ambition;  To be rich. 

There are many ways to get rich today in America.  You can invest wisely, or play a professional sport, become an actor,  climb the corporate ladder,  you can cheat and/or steal your way to lots of money.  The options are limitless.  The problem is that many of these strategies require a lot of talent (which you probably don’t have),  lots of time (which none of us have),  lots of butt kissing (which you may not have the stomach for)  or lots of hell-fire damnation once death comes upon us (if you believe in that sort of thing- but why risk it?).   Another important connection between all of these is that they require a lot of work,  and in this book you have in your hands that is forbidden. 

 I wrote this book to inspire the general population that all the money you could want is there for you, and it is not as elusive as you’ve been lead to believe.  Money is everywhere for the taking.  All you have to do is open your  eyes !   I won’t just show you where it is, I’m going to teach you how to get it…… without doing squat.

 You don’t have sell timeshare, or go to law school or medical school.  You don’t have to irritate your friends with network marketing.    No more late night struggles to “get ahead” of your competition.      All your life you’ve been told that it takes a lot of hard work to get rich, that you must scratch and claw you’re your way to wealth.  Nothing could be further from the truth!  I’m here to teach you with my patented “GRNDS (Get Rich Not Doing Squat) principles” the best approaches to getting more money than you dreamed possible without really doing anything.