By Chuck Marshall
About you !
This program will teach you many valuable facts about
getting rich that the rich people have always known. Many of my principles have been used since
the beginning of history. The problem is
they’re almost too obvious. If I just
told you the surface information you wouldn’t believe me ! It’s like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. Dorothy knew how to get home to her Aunt Em,
but she really needed to experience the frustration of not being able to get
home before she understood how easy it could be. Just tap your shoes together and tell
yourself “There’s nothing like being rich, there’s nothing like being rich,
there’s nothing like being rich”. Soon,
you’ll awaken on your beach chair in the Bahamas and all of this poor life you
are leading will seem like a bad dream !
First things first.
There are some things I am assuming about you, friends.
You like money….. a lot.
You are essentially
You are essentially greedy.
You have scruples but only as long as they don’t interfere
with any potential source of income.
You have a taste for the good things in life; Italian Clothes, Waterfront Property, Yachts,
Luxury Cruises, Jimmy Choo shoes, Tiffany
jewelry, Rolls Royces, Grey Poupon mustard,
and Dyson Vacuums.
You are an epicurean, superficial, money hungry toad and you’re ok with that about yourself. You accept yourself as you are, not as you should be.
Deep down, you consider yourself to have a big heart but you never let that get in the
way of any physical or materialistic pleasures.
You have no patience.
You want to get rich, and you
want to get rich now. Not in a few
years. Not after investing “wisely” for 30 years. Not
after studying at a University for 6 years. Not after building a company for 20
years. You want it now.
You don’t want to climb up any ladders by working 90 hour
weeks as a “manager” or “executive” for some corporation that has no problem
working you to the bone. You don’t want to become a work-a-holic who lives at the office. Never the person who struggles to prove his or her worth by
dedicating every breath to the success
of a mindless, monolithic, faceless corporation that would get rid of you if it
meant a savings of $1 on their bottom
You have probably
already read some “get rich quick” books or bought into some “get rich” schemes
and it turned out that you do have to
work VERY hard and you have to go “sell” people things . Their get rich scheme is just to go out and
start your own business and convince the world to buy your product. Well, you don’t need a book to tell you that! Where are the easy answers ?
If you nodded yes to most of this top ten list then welcome
aboard. You are in for the time of your
life and you should rest easy that the end of your frustration is near ! Please know that the simplicity is not an
illusion, it really is as easy as it looks.
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