Monday, December 30, 2013

Foreward Part 4: The Principles of GRNDS (Get Rich Not Doing Squat)

By Chuck Marshall


As in any program for bettering yourself, I feel that there should be a set of principles to follow as you approach your riches. Consider this the Constitution for working the GRNDS program.  This is your framework, your foundation, your “cheat sheet” for getting rich easily and quickly.  The rest of the book is merely elaboration on these very important principles. 

Principles of GRNDS

1)       Fame = Money;  Money = Fame.  It matters not how you get there, just get there !
2)      *All effort that could be described as diligent, hard, tenacious, “roll up your sleeves” willful, determined, or “driven” or anything similar to these words and actions or of the essence of these words and/or actions is expressly forbidden. 
3)      Meanness is not tolerated because meanness usually requires effort. 
4)      Litigation attorneys are society’s stupidity enablers and must be utilized at every opportunity because modern society abounds with stupidity.   
5)      It is your right to be rich at all costs and God doesn’t mind.  The Big Guy wants it too.  Why else would it say to trust Him on all the money in America? 
6)      No lying (exaggeration, yes, lying no).  No stealing (if you have to think about it to label it stealing…it’s not stealing)  No cheating (cheating is as cheating does).  GRNDS is a philosophy of absolute sloth and laziness so let’s not stack the odds against us by breaking the ten commandments too!   
7)      The word “work” should only be used in terms of walking in short spurts to get to a position where no work is required as in a politician.  For example:  A politician works to become a congressman but when he becomes a congressman most work will cease. 
8)      Research of anything whether statistics, or facts or any sort of detail is discouraged.  Research is tedious and boring.  Always “assume” you’re right and just let the chips fall where they may.
9)      Positive thinking or self -talk while not prohibited is discouraged.  GRNDS is based on you being perfectly capable of getting rich even with your personal flaws.  You and your  neurotic,  negative,  self-doubting pathetic self are perfectly capable of getting rich.  A new and improved you is simply not necessary.  Relax. J
10)  Just because some people consider a certain activity “work”, does not qualify it as work.  Work is ditch digging,  adding numbers, standing on your feet all day, looking at a computers all night, answering calls from irate customers, managing a group of ingrates, or trying to get 5 levels up in a network marketing program.  These things are work.  Nobody enjoys them, I guarantee you. 

*This is the “Golden Rule” of GRNDS, keep it close to your heart.

These are the principles of GRNDS that are so important to your success.  Please commit them to memory and always keep them just one stretch away from your fingertips.  Once you have committed them to your memory the rest should come very easily.  It will all fall in place as easily as  lobbyist falls into bed with a congressman.  

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